Assistant Sales Manager. (AAE Hotels and Hostels) - New Orleans

I just saw this job post on Craig's List:
Hotel and Hostel Asst. Sales Manager-Recent college grads and students
This position will work under the direction of our Sales Manager interacting with 53 of our hotels from our main office in New Orleans.
...Depending on your ability, the position pays between 1200 to 2900 a month.
Training will commence in one of our hostels located in New Orleans.
See the posting for more information, including how to apply:
Hotel and Hostel Asst. Sales Manager-Recent college grads and students
This position will work under the direction of our Sales Manager interacting with 53 of our hotels from our main office in New Orleans.
...Depending on your ability, the position pays between 1200 to 2900 a month.
Training will commence in one of our hostels located in New Orleans.
See the posting for more information, including how to apply:
Job first posted: 08 January 2010