Hi everybody, Our team are working on a hostel business plan right now. In order to have a better understanding of what do our customers really need and like, we created a short online survey. https://qtrial2016q1az1.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_bJj74zhUTZk0S8Z Your help in this survey will be highly appreciated! Filling out the short questionnaire will be great help for us. The evaluation does take place anonymously and it's only for the purpose of our business plan. Thank you very much!!!:) Grace

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Anonymous's picture


8 years

HI my name is Terrance and I stayed at the Generator Hostel in Barcelona and I have to say it was absolutely amazing. The staff was extremely nice the rooms are very clean and there are lots of activity to do in which the staff will be more than happy to help you plan. In my opinion, if you plan on opening a hostel or running one make sure the staff  you hire are always smiling and that they are very friendly. Your person who check in and out guest must always be kind and willing to help the guest with all of their needs. This is what will bring them back and they will tell all of there friends where to when they are in town

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